Brand Assets

Acumen A hero image and animation


Here are some options for the main Acumen logo. Please do not alter the logo in any way. Use only the colors and versions as described in the brand guidelines. When placing the logo over images, please use the wordmark in a single color instead of the full logo, as the various colors could look rather busy over imagery. We have also listed below logos for Academy, Alliances, and Ventures. The colors for these are fixed and do not change as with the main Acumen logo. 

Expanded image from gallery
Expanded image from gallery
Typemark Black

The wordmark is available in black and white, and is recommended for use on top of photographs.
Acumen Regions logo

The regional logos come in six colorways. These logos are to be used when referencing regional Acumen work and where Acumen has a fund, portfolio investment, or Academy program. For further guidance on using the logos, please refer to the brand guidelines.


Acumen's color palette comprises 34 colors, divided into 19 primary and 15 secondary shades. To maintain consistency in Acumen's visual identity, adhere to the following guidelines regarding color usage.

- Utilize the primary color palette for all brand collateral, including presentations, marketing materials, social media graphics, printed and digital assets, and event materials.

- Ensure that the secondary color palette is always combined with the primary palette. It serves as a complementary palette and should be used in conjunction with the primary colors to enhance visual appeal and maintain brand coherence.

Primary Palette

These colors serve as the core Acumen colors and should be used for all hallmark brand moments.

9 / 176 / 100
15 / 140 / 41
9 / 115 / 35
6 / 79 / 35
0 / 160 / 204
0 / 112 / 118
0 / 73 / 105
247 / 242 / 234
42 / 110 / 235
44 / 44 / 184
0 / 47 / 113
229 / 45 / 135
171 / 33 / 130
112 / 20 / 125
255 / 53 / 0
228 / 83 / 19
206 / 36 / 43
253 / 202 / 0
255 / 160 / 0
236 / 116 / 4

Secondary Palette

These colors are lighter and darker than the core palette. They are intended to be used as backgrounds or to enhance contrast between the core palette. Secondary colors cannot be used on their own and must be used with primary colors.

2 / 49 / 74
18 / 26 / 69
79 / 0 / 94
140 / 15 / 34
156 / 45 / 9
164 / 226 / 199
179 / 230 / 227
177 / 211 / 242
237 / 182 / 218
255 / 188 / 176
244 / 214 / 130


Acumen uses the Gellix in five weights (plus italics): Regular, Medium, Semibold, Bold, Extra Bold

All type should be black or white. Colored type is recommended only for callout moments. 

To make our materials more accessible, please adhere to the ADA compliance rules in the brand guidelines appendix.



Regular for most dark-on-light body copy.

Medium for smaller body copy and light-on-dark body copy.

Semibold for dark-on-light subheads.

Bold for headlines and light-on-dark subheads.


Note: Gellix is not compatible with Google and Microsoft products. See below for recommended fonts:

Google Suite: Lexend
Outlook Email: Arial
Microsoft Word and PPT: Century Gothic


Acumen photography guide book cover

Acumen's photography focuses on authentic, human images depicting areas of interest, projects, and investment outcomes. No posed or stock photos are used; only on-site, real images. Portraits and event documentation, taken by professionals and amateurs, showcase progress, achievements, and human success through cooperation. See photo guidelines and photo library below.


Presentation templates have been set up in both PowerPoint and Google Slides. Please use Google Slides unless you have limited bandwidth. Please do not open a PowerPoint deck on Google Drive as it changes the formatting rules of the deck.

Cover of Acumen presentation template


Acumen NY Letterhead 2023-NEW

The letterhead is set up as a google doc. 

Business cards will be set up upon request.

Acumen branded header simple
Branded Header Simple
To be used for internal or external informal documents
Acumen header with image
Sector Specific Header
To be used for internal documents
Acumen branded header bold
Branded Header 
To be used for internal documents
Acumen Letterhead
Branded Letterhead
To be used for official external documents
Acumen Academy branded header simple
Branded Header Simple
To be used for internal or external informal documents
Acumen Academy header with image
Sector Specific Header
To be used for internal documents
Acumen Academy branded header bold
Branded Header 
To be used for internal documents

Having trouble? Watch this short video to see how to create a new document in Google Docs using the Template Gallery.

Brand Language

Acumen Boilerplate

Acumen is a global force of entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists, and social innovators working together to build a world based on dignity. We were founded by Jacqueline Novogratz on the radical idea that business, when cultivated with moral imagination, can break the cycle of poverty. We invest in transformational companies, build sustainable markets, and prepare leaders with the tools they need to create a more just and inclusive future. Since 2001, we have scaled companies and shaped markets in some of the hardest-to-reach communities on the planet, impacting over half-a-billion lives. To learn more visit

Acumen Mission

Solving problems of poverty and building a world based on dignity


The compatible fonts to be used in other platforms are:

Google Suite: Lexend

Outlook: Arial

Microsoft Word and PPT: Century Gothic

*Ideally, presentations should only be created in Google slides. If using PPT, to preserve formatting, please do not switch between Slides and PPT.

Times New Roman can be used for contracts and other documents such as investment memos.

Any creative request should be made to the Comms team Only Academy has purchased Gellix for its work in Canva.

Right now, only the Core logo and Regional logos are available in multiple colorways.

The vertical Acumen logo should be used on all materials referencing Acumen's core work. The Acumen Academy logo should be used on all materials referencing Acumen Academy programs and courses. The regional logos can be used in the local regions as interchangeable with the Acumen core logo.

No. The word mark will rarely appear without the logo mark. Currently, there are not enough use cases to warrant this for the region logos.

For the foreseeable future, no. Ventures is the internal name that describes Acumen’s global portfolio and for-profit investments.

Yes, please only use the B&W logos available on Brandland.

Yes there will be an Acumen Academy letterhead available.

Regions can pick the same colors, they dont get the exclusive on a color

Funds keep their own logos (but are considered part of the Ventures pillar)

In the the rare scenario where it’s the only logo that will fit in a space that does not work well for the vertical logo.

As part of the new brand identity system, color is reserved for call-out moments and to emphasize important points.

ADA compliance refers to the Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design, which states that all electronic and information technology (like websites) must be accessible to people with disabilities.

Yes there is one available. Please contact comms.

Please give the team a few weeks to a month notice. Priority will be assigned based on urgency.

Printing these will be on a case by case basis. Please speak with your manager.

All materials will be rebranded. Current materials will be phased out. Not everything will have to be ready on launch day.

Please contact Comms with requests.
